Shaheen, an operative for a private military firm, delves into a quest for justice following the mysterious demise of his closest companion. Employing his adept negotiation skills, Shaheen uncovers a startling revelation from a Middle East G Corp executive—Kazuya Mishima is the orchestrator behind the sinister plot. Fate interwove Shaheen’s destiny 13 years prior when, on a tragic day that claimed his family, he rescued Salim, a boy of similar age, from an assassin. This pivotal moment marked Shaheen’s divergence from his father’s teachings, using combat skills to save a life rather than vanquish enemies.
Embraced by Salim’s family, Shaheen and Salim grew as friends despite divergent paths—Salim becoming an oil magnate, and Shaheen a specialist in private military operations. The revelation of Salim’s death at the hands of G Corp leaves Shaheen devastated. Returning to deliver the grim news, he is approached by Salim’s brother, Zarif, who entrusts him with Salim’s cherished sword. Vowing to avenge Salim’s unjust death, Shaheen stands firm against G Corp’s tyranny, wielding the symbol of his friend’s legacy as a testament to his unyielding determination.