Feng Wei, a Taijiquan master aspiring to attain the status of the Dragon God through teachings from the God Fist scrolls, faced a devastating defeat by Wing Chun expert Leroy Smith in the recent King of Iron Fist Tournament.
Leroy criticized Feng’s heartless technique, deeming him unworthy compared to their shared master, Wu Zihao. While Feng believed in pure, unyielding power, Wu Zihao emphasized aligning the heart with technique.
In search of truth, Feng killed his master, thinking he had found answers, yet Leroy’s victory questioned his convictions. Fueling his rage, Feng travels globally, defeating self-defense masters. Nina Williams proposes G Corp’s support for Feng’s revenge against Leroy, even though he becomes an accomplice.
Dismissing the concept of “heart,” Feng accepts the offer, continuing his quest to become the Dragon God.